Saturday 6 April 2013

Yonex RD7SP-UL2 + Poly/Syn Gut @ 35/33 lbs (Part 2)

From my past experiments, stiff polys play better when strung at ELT when compared with softer polys. None of my ELT soft polys played well so far.

Neither have I tried that many ELT poly/syn gut hybrids. So this is it! 

Unlike the softer poly, this stiff poly stretches quite a bit even at 35 lbs.

Since a lot of grommets on the bumperguard were just replaced, I threaded the mains on top more carefully to ensure the re-used bumperguard is aligned and sits well.

Soft syn gut as crosses is always easier to weave than full poly!


Here's a closer look at the new grommets on top.

Before matching the rackets, I weighed, measured and recorded all the variables that I could.

Both RDS003s are 1/4 inch longer, so their swingweight would play higher. It is important to note that the RD7's flex is only RA54 against the RDS003's RA65. 

Because of this, the RD7 needs a slightly higher swingweight to generate similar power levels as the stiffer rackets.

All three rackets are strung with very different strings at different tensions. But I know M has very sensitive hands. Enough to even discern a balance difference of 5mm and mere weight differences of 7-8grams.

That makes my job difficult. But I would well deserve his car and dog if I can get it within his perimeters!


- As with my previous experience with low tension polys, the strings are extremely low-powered. So low, that both M & I have difficulties driving the ball deep. We ended up hitting mostly flat shots.
- Comfort is very good. The stringbed is very soft and predictable with some good pocketing. Though nowhere as deep as with ELT syn gut.
- Because of the flat shots, we were unable to determine whether the amount of spin was high or low.
- The RD7 is a very comfortable racket. The racket flex could be felt clearly and absorbed the vibrations and power from incoming hard balls. 
- It feels so good that M mentioned he'll willingly trade away power, spin and control just to enjoy this kind of "feel" in a racket!
- Knowing M likes topspin, I deliberately customised a polarised weight setup. The advantage is easier to "whip" the racket to generate spin, very little extra weight needed and it's easy to adjust balance.
- However, it seems the polarised setup could have also made the racket play a little more flexy. 
- I'll try a de-polarised weight setup on the other RD7 later.

24Apr2013 update:
- I tried the racket again after it has been hit with for a few hours.
- The extremely low-powered stringbed disappeared and gave way to a high-powered stringbed!!!
- It seems the poly has lost tension or resilience so the power from the syn gut cross is becoming dominant.
- Spin increased tremendously from the last time I tried it, so it is truely a case of the best of both worlds - spin from poly and power/comfort from ELT syn gut!
- I am beginning to like this ELT setup of a stiff poly with syn gut cross!

Pro Supex Black Fusion 1.19mm mains @ 35lbs
Pro Supex Synthetic Gut Titan 1.25mm cross @ 33lbs

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